For years, the Nature/History/Society lecture series, a Canadian environmental history series based out of the University of British Columbia, has featured leading new research in the field to audiences in Vancouver. Starting next week, the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies at York University will be bringing a similar series to […]
Monthly Archives: September 2011
Last year, Jim Clifford and I received funding from the Network in Canadian History and Environment to develop an iOS mobile application to facilitate the dissemination of environmental history news and other online content. With more researchers and educators using smartphones and other mobile internet devices to connect with one […]
Episode 24 Draining the Wet Prairie: September 20, 2011 [audio:][34:17] Agricultural expansion is a central component of the history of the resettlement of the Canadian prairies in the nineteenth-century. Popularly, that history has been characterized by the challenges of aridity on a dry prairie landscape. The characterization of the […]
Download episode On this episode of EHTV, Daniel Macfarlane, a SSHRC post-doctoral research fellow from the Department of History at Carleton University, takes us on a tour of the hydro-electric landscape of Niagara Falls. Both the site of mass nature tourism and mass power generation, the manufactured waterscape of Niagara […]
Nature’s Past, the Canadian environmental history podcast, returns next week with its twenty-fourth episode. After our summer hiatus, the podcast returns with an interview with Dr. Shannon Stunden Bower, the author of the new book Wet Prairie: People, Land, and Water in Agricultural Manitoba. As we prepare for the return […]