You’re sitting uncomfortably in the audience at a conference waiting for the presenter to begin. They’ve finally loaded up their PowerPoint file from an old USB flash drive and all that’s left is to set it into presentation mode. They click around aimlessly on the screen trying button after button […]
By Stacy Nation-Knapper, Andrew Watson, and Sean Kheraj Last year, Nature’s Past, the Canadian environmental history podcast, published a special series called, “Histories of Canadian Environmental Issues”. Each episode focused on a different contemporary environmental issue and featured interviews and discussions with historians whose research explains the context and background. Following up […]
As many readers know, a lot of great articles, announcements, resources, and much more get posted to Twitter, using the #envhist hashtag. For four years now, Twitter users have been sharing environmental history content and we wanted a way to bring more attention to it here. This is the first […]
Last week, a number of historians and newspaper columnists spilled a lot of virtual ink in response to a decision of the federal parliament’s Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage to launch “a thorough and comprehensive review of significant aspects in Canadian history.” Critics and supporters of the government have been […]
The environmental history podcast world has expanded once again. The Iberian section of the European Society for Environmental History, la Ruedha, has produced its first audio podcast in Spanish. The producers will be publishing new content in the months to come, but the first Spanish language environmental history podcast is […]
Download episode On this final episode of a five-part series on the history of asbestos mining in Quebec, Dr. Jessica Van Horssen examines the effects of the decline of the asbestos industry and its impact on the people of Asbestos, QC. Furthermore, she discusses the internationally condemned policy of the […]
Download episode The fourth part in Dr. Jessica Van Horssen’s mini-series on the history of asbestos mining in Quebec investigates the decades after the Second World War when global awareness of the adverse health effects of asbestos led to import bans and ultimately the decline of the industry. As medical […]
For years, the Nature/History/Society lecture series, a Canadian environmental history series based out of the University of British Columbia, has featured leading new research in the field to audiences in Vancouver. Starting next week, the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies at York University will be bringing a similar series to […]