Last winter, I had a couple of students in my North American environmental history course come to me with ideas for research essays on the environmental history of bottled water. The topic is far too big for a relatively short undergraduate paper, but the more I thought about it, the […]
Environmental History
Last year, I published an article in BC Studies on the origins of forest management policy for Vancouver’s Stanley Park titled “Improving Nature: Remaking Stanley Park’s Forest, 1888-1931”. This article is based on research from my dissertation on the environmental history of Stanley Park. As a result of the threat […]
I meant to write about this earlier in the summer, but there is still time. Industry Minister Tony Clement and Heritage Minister James Moore launched a public consultation process on copyright policy on July 20th. Following the government’s failed efforts to quietly revise Canadian copyright law last year through Bill […]
The Network in Canadian History & Envirnoment supports a number of different regional networks across Canada. These include groups in British Columbia, the Prairies, Central Canada, the North, and the Atlantic region. History & Environment of the Atlantic Region (HEAR) will be holding its second W.F. Ganong Colloquium at Dalhousie […]
Episode 8 Aboriginal People and Resource Conflicts in Canada: July 14, 2009. [audio:] [38:46] The history of the resettlement of Canada by European peoples and the dispossession of Aboriginal people from their land was, in part, a struggle over natural resources. Since 1867, the federal and provincial governments of Canada […]