This week is the 2015 annual meeting of the American Society for Environmental History and scholars from across Canada will be making the journey to Washington D.C. to share their research at the conference. To help you find them, I have compiled this list of posters, panels, and round tables featuring Canadian environmental historians/historical geographers and environmental historians/historical geographers based in Canada.
This year there are:
- 3 posters
- 21 panels
- 1 round table
If I missed a poster, panel, or round table, please post the information in the comments section below. See you in Washington!
The following is a list of posters to be displayed throughout the conference in the Ballroom Foyer [level two]. Presenters will be available to discuss their posters on Saturday evening, March 21, from 6:00 — 7:00 p.m., and program committee chair Kurk Dorsey will present an award for the most effective poster.
Hayley Goodchild, “Skill the Makers, Squeeze the Cows: An Environmental Analysis of the Labor Crisis in the Ontario Cheese Industry ca. 1911” — McMaster University
Lynne Heasley, “Landscapes Below: Bathymetry, Diving, and Underwater Photography in Great Lakes Protection” — Western Michigan University
Glenn Iceton, “’I Shall Get You Any Curiosity Worth While’: Collecting Biases in Material Exchange in the Artifact Trade in the Northern Yukon, 1860-1910” — University of Saskatchewan
Scientific Models as Environmental Narratives
Panel 1-B: Georgetown II [level one]: Thursday, March 19, 8:30am-10am
Michael Egan, McMaster University
James Henry Bergman, Michigan State University “Modeling Stability in the Face of Uncertainty: Taming Climatic Fluctuations at Postwar Seabrook Farms”
Connemara Doran, Harvard University “Modeling the Ride Up ‘Hubbert’s Peak’ and the Post-Peak Environmental Precipice: Controversies, Rhetoric, and Policy Challenges”
Rachel Rothschild, Yale University “Environmental “High Politics”: Pollution Modelling across the Iron Curtain”
Hank D Trim, University of British Columbia “Sustainable Futures: Amory Lovins, Modeling, and Environmentalism”
Pipelines in North America: Historical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Panel 1-I: Westend Salon D [level two]:Â Thursday, March 19, 8:30am-10am
Chair: Brian Black, Pennsylvia State University-Altoona
Heather Plumridge Bedi, Dickinson College “Of Pipelines and Protest: Contested Natural Gas Fracking and Transportation in Pennsylvania”
Mark Stoller, University of British Columbia “The Pipeline as Platform: The Role of Pipeline Debates in the Formation of Aboriginal Law in Canada”
Steve Horn, DeSmogBlog “Keystone XL and Beyond: The Potential — and Limits — of the #NoKXL Movement”
Andrew Stuhl, Bucknell University “Toward A Socially Accountable Environmental Science: Big Oil, Arctic Pipelines, Inuit Protests, and the Untold History of Environmental Impact Statements”
The Metabolism of Agro-Ecosystems: Soil Fertility and Sustainability on Historical Farms
Panel 2-C: Room 3015 [level three]: Thursday, March 19, 10:30am-12pm
Chair and Commentator:
Donald Worster, Renmin University and University of Kansas
Enric Tello Aragay, University of Barcelona; Manuel González de Molina, Universidad Pablo de Olavide; Roberto Garcia Ruiz, Universidad de Jaen; Elena Galán del Castillo, University of Barcelona “The Socio-Ecological Transition of Spanish Agriculture from a Soil Fertility Point of View, 1750-2010”
Olga LucÃa Delgadillo, Universidad Javeriana; Stefania Gallini, Universidad Nacional de Colombia “Sugar Cane and the 20th-Century Industrialization of Agriculture in Southwestern Colombia”
Geoff Cunfer, University of Saskatchewan “Soil Fertility on an Agricultural Frontier: The US Great Plains, 1870-2000”
Marine Commons or Privatized Zones: North Atlantic Struggles over Marine Resources
Panel 2-E: Room 3017 [level three]:Â Thursday, March 19, 10:30am-12pm
Chair and Commentator:
Brian Payne, Bridgewater State University
Elizabeth Mancke, University of New Brunswick; Mark Joseph McLaughlin, Trent University “Claiming the Funks: Seabirds and the Ecology of Subsistence in 19th-Century Newfoundland”
Suzanne Morton, McGill University “The Right to Fish – but not Quite Everywhere: The Idea of the Commons and Territoriality in the Canadian Lobster Fishery, 1890-1939”
Edward MacDonald, University of Prince Edward Island “Shell Games: The Aquatic Commons, Economic Policy, and Shellfish Aquaculture in Prince Edward Island, Canada”
Science, Policy, and the Environment
Panel 2-F: Westend Salon A [level two]:Â Thursday, March 19, 10:30am-12pm
Matthew Benjamin Shindell, Harvard University
Commentator: Gregory A. Good, American Institute of Physics, College Park
Peder Anker, New York University “The Economic Fix: The Norwegian Approach to Climate Change”
Milena Wazeck, University of East Anglia, UK “What is “severe damage” to the environment? Facts and values in acid rain assessments in Canada and the US in the 1980s”
Matthew Benjamin Shindell, Harvard University “Institutions, Expertise, and Policy: Scientific Assessment at the US National Research Council”
Power Struggles: The Second World War, Energy, and the Environment
Panel 2-H: Westend Salon C [level two]:Â Thursday, March 19, 10:30am-12pm
Donald C. Jackson, Lafayette College
Matthew Evenden, University of British Columbia “Allied Power: Canadian Rivers and Resource Mobilization, 1939-1945”
Julie Cohn, Center for Public History, University of Houston “Pooling Beyond “Mere Puddles”: How World War II Shaped North America’s Grid”
Marc Landry, Utah State University “Constructing the Grid: German Rearmament and Popular Conceptions of Electrification, 1937-1945”
Paul Sims, University of London “Contested Modernity and the British Nuclear Power Programme, 1955-1970”
Remembering Transformation and Devastation: The Historical Memory of Water
Panel 3-C: Room 3015 [level three]: Thursday, March 19, 1:30pm-3pm
Chair and Commentator:
Charlotte Julie Cabasse, UC Berkeley
Philip C. Brown, Ohio State University “Triumphalist Memories: Transformation of the Tianan Plain, Taiwan, 1920-1930”
Max Liboiron, Memorial University of Newfoundland “Remembering Ocean Plastics”
John Sandlos, Memorial University of Newfoundland “Toxic Legacy: History, Memory, and Environmental Remediation at a Northern Canadian Gold Mine”
Peter Soppelsa, University of Oklahoma “Expecting Disaster: How Paris is Bracing for its Worst Flood since 1910”
Protest & Politics in Energy Transitions: From Wood to Coal and Back
Panel 3-D: Room 3016 [level three]: Thursday, March 19, 1:30pm-3pm
Brian Donahue, Brandeis University
Josh MacFadyen, University of Saskatchewan “Pricing the Urban Woodpile: Fuel Philanthropy and Protest in Toronto and Montreal”
Owen Temby, University of Texas-Pan American “Local Growth Coalitions and Smoke Policy in Montreal during the Interwar Period”
Sarah Mittlefehldt, Green Mountain College “Pragmatic Activism: Wood Energy as Political Protest in the 1970s”
Emily Jane Silver, University of Maine “Seeing Forests as Fuel: The Evolution of Biomass Energy Perceptions since 1980”
Intersection of environmental and transnational history
Panel 4-G: Westend Salon B [level two]: Thursday, March 19, 3:30pm-5pm
Char Miller, Pomona College
Meredith Denning, Georgetown University “A Matter of Taste: How Local Perceptions Drove International Water Management in the Great Lakes, 1946-1972”
Philip Van Huizen, University of Alberta “Alberta Surface Rights and the Impact of the Canadian-US Petroleum Network”
Bryan McDonald, Pennsylvania State University “Ezra Taft Benson and the Birth of the World Food Network in the 1950s”
Gene Cittadino, New York University “Project Chariot Revisited: Ecology and Epiphany in the Quest for the Peaceful Atom”
Activism into Art, Art into Activism
Panel 5-C: Room 3015 [level three]: Friday, March 20, 8:30am-10am
Chris Wilhelm, College of Coastal Georgia
Elizabeth (Scout) Blum, Troy University “Lots of Children in the Woods: Children’s Environmental Views and Perceptions of Nature Through Art, 1970-1990”
Chris Wilhelm, College of Coastal Georgia “The Fight for Everglades National Park and Marjory Stoneman Douglas’s Alligator Crossing”
Michael Commito, McMaster University “‘They’re Babies, and They’re as Good as Dead’: Imagery and Protest Against Ontario’s Spring Bear Hunt, 1995-1999”
Britanny Luby, Laurentian University “The Sugar Monster Feeds on the Navajo Nation: An Analysis of the Environment in Artistic and Medical Accounts of the Diné Diabetes Crisis”
Water as a Proxy for Environmental Protest
Panel 6-D: Room 3016 [level three]: Friday, March 20, 10:30am-12pm
Donald C. Jackson, Lafayette College
John Thistle, Labrador Institute of Memorial University “Hydropower at Patshetshunau”
Diana J. Fox, Bridgewater State University ““Stewards of our Island”: Rastafari Women’s Activism for the Forests and the Waters in Trinidad and Tobago”
Jessica Marie DeWitt, University of Saskatchewan “Reviving the Distant Clarion: The Ecological Degradation and Expedient Restoration of Pennsylvania’s Clarion River”
Jackie Mullen, University at Albany, SUNY “Atlantic Turbulence and Postwar Coastal Conservation”
“The Gospel of Efficiency” Revisited: Uncovering New Ways to Assess the Progressive Conservation Movement
Panel 6-H: Westend Salon C [level two]: Friday, March 20, 10:30am-12pm
William D. Rowley, University of Nevada Reno
Joseph Taylor, Simon Fraser University “Poetry vs. Prose: Why Legislative History Changes How We Understand Progressive Conservation”
Matthew Pearce, University of Oklahoma “Reassessing “The Gospel of Efficiency” in Progressive Era Range Management”
Christopher F. Jones, Arizona State University “Hotelling’s Rule and the Economic Efficiency of Oil Depletion”
Taming the “Wild” Arctic: Managing Animals and People in Northern Nations
Panel 6-I: Westend Salon D [level two]: Friday, March 20, 10:30am-12pm
John McCannon, Southern New Hampshire University
Andy Bruno, Northern Illinois University “A Tale of Two Reindeer: Pastoralism and Preservation in the Soviet Arctic”
Dolly Jørgensen, UmeÃ¥ University, Sweden “The Shaggy Savior of Northern Norway”
Tina Adcock, Simon Fraser University “Not wanted in the territory: Managing trappers and fur-bearers in the Northwest Territories, Canada”
Health in the Hinterland: Class, Leisure, and Environments of Urban Health Reform, 1850-1930
Panel 7-B: Georgetown II [level one]: Saturday, March 21, 8:30am-10am
Christian Steenstrup Warren, Brooklyn College, CUNY
Jason M Chernesky, University of Pennsylvania “Amusement, Health, and the Therapeutic Environments on the 19th-Century Delaware River”
Meghan Crnic, University of Pennsylvania ““A Happy Singing Band of Convalescents”: How Pediatric Patients Shaped Ideas about Nature, Health, and Happiness, 1870-1930”
Jessica Dunkin, Queen’s University ““In Pleasant and Healthful Surroundings”: Canadian YWCAs and Summer Homes for Working Women at the Turn of the 20th Century”
Rethinking Canada: A Fossil Fuel Nation
Panel 7-G: Westend Salon B [level two]: Saturday, March 21, 8:30am-10am
Christopher F. Jones, Arizona State University
Ruth Sandwell, University of Toronto “The First Modern Lighting: A Short History of Manufactured Gas and Kerosene in Canada”
Andrew Watson, York University “The Problem of Coal in Canada: Finding Markets for Canadian Coal Between the Wars”
Sean Kheraj, York University “A Silent River of Oil: An Environmental History of Pipeline Spills in Canada, 1959-2012”
Five Centuries of Climate Change, Eh: Towards a Climate History of Canada
Panel 8-G: Westend Salon B [level two]: Saturday, March 21, 10:30am-12pm
Graeme Wynn, University of British Columbia
Dagomar Degroot, University of Western Ontario “Knowing the Canadian Arctic in the Little Ice Age, 1560-1630”
Colin Coates, York University “Anticipating climate change in New France”
Teresa E.M. Devor, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada ““Living Weather” and Survival: Local Knowledge in the Maritimes in the 18th and 19th Centuries”
Environmental History and Sustainability Studies Education
Roundtable 9-A: Georgetown I [level one]: Saturday, March 21, 1:30pm-3pm
Paul Hirt, Arizona State University
Vandana Baweja, University of Florida-Gainesville
Claire Campbell, Bucknell University
Jim Feldman, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Teresa Sabol Spezio, Huntington Library
Nature in Numbers: Histories of Data in the Geosciences
Panel 9-E: Room 3017 [level three]: Saturday, March 21, 1:30pm-3pm
Kristine Harper, Florida State University
Mark Carey, University of Oregon
Philipp Nicolas Lehmann, Max Planck Institute for History of Science “Winning a Battle, Losing the War? The Rise of Climatology and the Dilemma of Data Diversity, 1870-1910”
Axel Volmar, McGill University “Auditory Data Analysis: Knowledge Making, the Senses, and the Formation of Scientific Sonification”
Gabriel Henderson, Aarhus University ““Setting the Record Straight” in 1980: Sherwood Idso, Climate Modeling, and an Early Dispute Over the Climatic Response to a Doubling of Carbon Dioxide”
Policy in Canada, Denmark and the United States Since the 1970s
Panel 9-G: Westend Salon B [level two]: Saturday, March 21, 1:30pm-3pm
Jay Hakes, former Director, Carter Presidential Library
Tammy Nemeth, Independent “Protesting the Canadian Oil Sands: Policy Success Now or for the Future?”
Mogens Rudiger, Aalbor University, Denmark “Designing the Energy Future: Two Discourses on Energy Planning in Denmark, 1980-1995”
Robert Lifset, University of Oklahoma “The Impact of Environmentalism on US Energy Policy Since the 1970s”
History of Sustainability above and beyond the Brundtland Report
Panel 10-A: Georgetown I [level one]: Saturday, March 21, 3:30pm-5pm
Chair and Commentator:
Teresa Sabol Spezio, Huntington Library
Michael Egan, McMaster University “The History of the Future: Narratives of Hope and Despair”
Iris Borowy, RWTH Aachen University “Sustainable Development and Health / Sustainable Development as Health: from the Brundtland Commission to SDGs and Buen Vivir”
Jeremy Cardonna, University of Alberta “Sustainability: A New Historiography”
Humans and Other Animals: Greyhounds, Clostridium tetani in Horses, and Burros
Panel 10-C: Room 3015 [level three]: Saturday, March 21, 3:30pm-5pm
Ann Norton Greene, University of Pennsylvania
Edmund Russell, University of Kansas “Evolutionary Fine Tuning: Adapting Greyhounds to Hunting, Gambling, and Private Coursing”
Joanna Elizabeth Dean, Carleton University “Entangled Bodies: Horses, Humans and Clostridium tetani”
Abraham Gibson, Philadelphia Area Center for the History of Science “Feral Burros in the American West: The Environmental Legacy of 19th-Century Mining Booms”
The Internationalization of Nature Protection in North America
Panel 10-J: Westend Salon E [level two]: Saturday, March 21, 3:30pm-5pm
Chair and Commentator:
Robert Sutton, US National Park Service
Alan MacEachern, University of Western Ontario “Canada’s Best Idea? The Canadian and American National Park Systems in the 1910s”
Lary Dilsaver, University of South Alabama “Transnational Policy-Making: American and Canadian Cooperation in National Park Management 1918-1942”
Terence Young, California State Polytechnic University – Pomona “’An Outstanding Feature of Our Relations’: The Melding of Canadian and US Park Management after World War II”
Neel G. Baumgardner, University of Texas-San Antonio “Finding Common Ground: Creating an International Park in the Borderlands of the United States and Mexico”