On Thursday, March 31, 2016, we held another History and Computing Workshop in the History Common Room at York University. The topic for this workshop was Moodle and course/learning management systems. I began the workshop with a general overview of CMS/LMS and the common uses of these technologies for online […]
History and Computing Series
On November 12, 2015, we held a joint “History and Computing”/teaching workshop in the Department of History at York University. We held a round-table discussion with instructors who have previously taught online courses in history at York and at other universities. The discussion covered a wide range of issues from […]
Last fall, we held a workshop in the Department of History at York about data management for historical research. Dr. Daniel Heidt gave a presentation titled, “Data Overload? Software Solutions for Academic Researchers.” In that presentation, Dr. Heidt reviewed many of the challenges of managing digitized archival sources and he […]
On Tuesday, February 10, 2015, we held another “History and Computing” workshop in the Department of History at York University. This is a series of practical workshops on the use of digital technologies in historical scholarship and teaching. Alongside my colleague, Carolyn Podruchny, we led presentations on our respective experiences […]
In the second History and Computing Workshop held in the Department of History at York University, I took faculty and graduate students through an overview of the use of tablet computers for history teaching and research. The most common tablet computer is, of course, Apple’s iPad so I focused my […]
Tomorrow I will be leading the first session in a new workshop series at York University titled, “History and Computing.” This first session, called “Twitterstorians: A Workshop on the Basics of Using Twitter for Historians,” will take participants through an introduction to the Twitter website and offer tips on how […]