I just published a review of Darcy Ingram’s book, Wildlife, Conservation, and Conflict in Quebec, 1840-1914. The review appears in H-Net Reviews here. You can download a PDF version of the review here. Conservation in a Distinct Society Wildlife conservation in Quebec was distinct from the rest of Canada not […]
3 posts
Environmental historians have been gaining a reputation for innovation in digital history. Last month at the 2012 annual meeting of the American Society for Environmental History, I served as a commentator on a very well-attended panel called, “Digital Environmental History: Tools and Projects.” For a panel at the end of […]
Below is a copy of my recently published review of Zachary Falck’s Weeds: An Environmental History of Metropolitan America. You can also download a PDF copy here. Zachary J. S. Falck. Weeds: An Environmental History of Metropolitan America. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2010. Illustrations. 280 pp. $40.00 (cloth), ISBN […]