Episode 20 The 1918-1919 Influenza Epidemic in Winnipeg: February 27, 2011 [audio: http://niche-canada.org/files/sound/naturespast/natures-past20.mp3][46:04] Toward the end of the Great War, Canadians were struck by the most devastating influenza epidemic in the young country’s history. More than 50,000 Canadians succumbed to this virulent strain of influenza that swept the globe in […]
Monthly Archives: February 2011
Next week the NiCHE New Scholars Reading Group will be hosting a live Skype conference call to discuss a draft chapter from Dan Rueck’s dissertation. This chapter looks at land practices at Kahnawake to 1815. Reading Group members can now download the draft chapter from our group website and sign […]
I recently led a session at the City of Calgary Teachers’ Convention Association meeting here at Mount Royal University titled “Teaching Digital History Skills”. The purpose of this session was to explore some of the key digital tools and technologies used for history research, analysis, communication, and teaching at the […]
Last December, Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange claimed that his organization had coined a new type of journalism called “scientific journalism”. According to Assange, “[s]cientific journalism allows you to read a news story, then to click online to see the original document it is based on. That way you can judge […]
Historians should be control freaks when it comes to data storage. We are data gatherers who scrape archives for any content relevant to our particular research projects. For instance, when I was last at the city archives in Montreal, I asked the archivist for access to the Montreal public market […]